WORKWEAR – what can you do, to make sure it’s a cost-effective investment?
WORKWEAR – what can you do, to make sure it’s a cost-effective investment?
10 features of workwear that guarantee that your purchase is a marketing success.

This article answers a series of questions regarding workwear. In it, you’ll learn…
● What should workwear be?
● When does an investment into workwear pay off, and when doesn’t it?
● What does the workwear-making process look like?
● What should workwear feature?
● What kind of benefits do you gain from an investment into workwear?
● What role does workwear play for clients and brand promotion?
● Where should you look for a company that will create a free workwear design for you?
What should workwear be?

Workwear is a type of clothing that should be provided for employees in certain professions. This includes, but isn’t limited to, construction, chemicals, medical and food- based industries. Company workwear is becoming increasingly popular in industries that don’t have to use them, but simply want to. This desire is motivated by many arguments that we’ll address further on. Workwear is fully adapted to the type of duties performed. However, in addition to the above-mentioned practical guidelines, company workwear features one more extremely important aspect – it’s a business card for the company, improves perception of and confidence in the brand, and therefore increases sales. In the vast majority of cases, workwear is a long-term, cost-effective investment.
When does an investment into workwear pay off, and when doesn’t it?
Above, we wrote that workwear is a cost-effective investment, but not always. So what makes it an unnecessary expense that doesn’t bring about the desired results? There’s only one answer – workwear being designed and made by someone who’s incompetent. Cheap company workwear that features the brand’s logo applied using inferior-quality printing methods, poorly selected printing methods, carelessly placed decorations and rushed sewing – all of this will make workwear a problem for the company resulting in expenses piling up. What’s broken must be fixed. Repairs generate unnecessary costs and take a significant amount of time, during which the company owners’ and employees’ frustration grows. How can you avoid this? Employ the services of someone who is a complete antithesis to carelessness, lack of professionalism and insufficient experience. If you do this, your company workwear – high-quality, durable and original – will contribute to brand promotion and recognition, as well as development of the company and greater revenues.
What should workwear feature?

We know that workwear can do a lot of good for the brand. It’s worth taking some time to think about what it should feature. Below we present 10 features of workwear that will make your purchase a marketing success!
Workwear isn’t normal clothing. It’s meant to fulfil many more functions. One of them is consistency with the brand’s messaging. Company workwear should be a carrier of the values and ideas proclaimed by the company. Without good awareness of the brand and personalised orders, you can’t create workwear that’ll help the company be perceived as professional, reliable and trustworthy.
Safety should be the main feature of all workwear, irrespective of the industry in which the workwear is worn. It should be friendly for all skin types. The choice of materials can’t be accidental, and they shouldn’t be poor quality. You should make sure that the workwear you order is made of certified materials. Only such fabrics are guaranteed to be safe.
Comfort is just as important as safety. The average person spends 40 hours per week at work. The clothing in which they work must be comfortable and not restrict movement, particularly frequently performed movement. It’s impossible to make fully comfortable workwear without knowing the specifics of the given industry.
When you buy high-quality workwear, your employees will wear it for many years, and during this time it won’t lose aesthetics, which means that it’ll effectively promote the brand for a long time. The choice of high-quality workwear that’s not necessarily the cheapest available is well spent money that’ll definitely pay off.

In the 21st century, being eco-friendly is a feature that more and more people are focusing on. Eco-friendliness is becoming a standard for increasingly more clients. It’s currently important in food, cosmetics and clothing. Workwear that lines up with environmentally friendly values is a sure marketing advantage.
No one likes boredom. That’s why workwear shouldn’t resemble clothing typical for another known brand. Uniqueness related to an original cut, colour and decorative features is something that attracts the attention of every customer. The brand becomes recognisable, which translates into increased sales.
Premium company workwear meets European standards that apply to international cooperation. Therefore, it’s durable – both the materials and prints or embroidery have properties appropriate for the given industry, for example, rainproof qualities for outerwear. Companies that are planning or already in the midst of international collaboration should definitely make sure they have the highest standards of all cogs of the company’s operations, including the highest standards of workwear.

Workwear should be on trend. Only then will it meet the expectations of the most exacting clients, who want to be always positively surprised and know that the brand is modernised and changes along with their own needs. For workwear, in addition to safety, comfort and quality, it should look great, creative and fashionable.
In the modern world, clients are no longer satisfied with a product or service that’s simply cheap. They expect a lot more from the brand. Good design, which for workwear is the right logo size, position and method of application, well-chosen colours, carefully selected decorative aspects and stitching, are proof of the brand’s professionalism and the fact that it’s definitely worth being its loyal customer.
It can be said that promotion is a „side effect” of workwear, which, by design, is meant to be practical. Workwear design that’s creative in its messaging and highlights the brand’s values is a bull’s eye!
What role does workwear play for clients and brand promotion?

As you can see, workwear plays a huge role for clients and broadly understood brand promotion. This is because:
● it acts as the company’s business card;
● it contributes to the brand’s promotion and recognition;
● it improves brand perception;
● it generates confidence in the brand;
● it helps the company develop;
● it translates into increased sales and revenues.
Workwear ensures the company’s success, both in marketing and business terms. Therefore, it’s definitely a worthwhile investment.

Studies that show that workwear can have a significant impact on brand promotion.
In research carried out at the request of Criteo, over 2,000 consumers responded to questions that were designed to determine why we buy a given product. The most important premises were:
● brand awareness – 73% of respondents indicated that they’re more likely to buy products from companies that they’ve heard of or used before;
● brand values – 51% of respondents stated that when purchasing products, it’s important for them to see that the company’s values match their own;
● originality – 31% of respondents admitted that they value originality and uniqueness, both in products purchased, and in the sales and advertising process itself. An investment in workwear impacts the implementation of these three premises, which have turned out to be crucial in the process of purchasing and… profiting.

What does the workwear-making process look like?
The workwear-making process is much more complicated than you may think. It involves a dozen or so carefully thought through stages. Below are the most important ones:
● a design that’ll remain in the minds of everyone and refers to the recognisable features of the brand and its values;
● design implementation, in which thorough analysis is carried out of issues such as selection of fabrics, colours and decorative aspects (3D embroidery or prints – depending on the material chosen), size and position of the company logo;
● choosing a sewing factory that’ll create the best-quality and durable clothing.
Where should you look for a company that will create a free workwear design for you?
It’s also worth noting that the above features of workwear are just the most basic matters involved in its production. Professional premium clothing manufacturers would certainly add to this a whole range of things that further contribute to the creation of world-quality workwear. But it’s good to start at the very beginning. The first phase of workwear production is, of course, the design. At Rascal Industry, we offer free workwear design. The highest quality, consistency with the brand’s messaging, and originality combined with knowledge of current trends and attention to every little detail are all included in our design process. Everything else depends on the specifics of the given industry, so the key is a tailored approach and personalisation.